How to use Jericho (from Solution Pac) with a UM-Client pointing to an agent ?
You have to consider if Jericho and UM-Client are pointing to a
agent (UM-Agent) or to a
agent (embedded agent or remote machine with UM-Agent)
If Jericho and UM-Client are pointing to a local agent please follow these steps :
Installation of Jericho, UM-Agent, UM-Client in "local Agent mode
Select Solution-Pac / WAN on the installation Wizard
Install UM-Client UM-Agent and the manager UM-Console+ on à Windows Station with the "Pager, Email, ... option" checked.
Click on "Continue" and "Install" buttons to Install Jericho.
Select The COM Port for your modem (For example "com2")
Set the Prefix if requested (For example "9")
On the screen "Basic Setup for Solution-Pac" Configure the UM-Client and UM-Agent and start both.
UM-Console+ appears automatically and detects the UPS.
Exit from Solution-Pac Startup Screen.
Start Jericho by clicking on the icon in the MGE UPS SYSTEMS program group.
Select the extended mode (Menu Mode \ Extended)
Configure Multimedia actions. (Menu Action\Define the events)
Click on "New" button to define Multimedia action.
Fill in the Action name (For example "Send UPS events to Kobby")
Select the Media (For example "Kobby")
Fill in the pager number (For Example 0669XXXXXX )
Click on "Ok"
Click on the "events" you want to send to the Pager (Select Utility failure and Utility restored for example)
"<< Add" the "Send UPS Events to Kobby" action to the list of the actions associated to the selected Events.
Click on "OK"
The events "Utility Failure,Utility restored" send by the remote embedded agent will start the Multimedia actions saved on the local UM-Client. (Just try to perform a Utility Failure on the UPS now and you will receive the Kobby message !!!)
Installation of Jericho AFTER UM-Client and UM-Agent in "local Agent mode
Start the manager UM-Console+, select the extended mode (Menu Mode \ Extended)
Click on Configuration/Pager/E-mail/New Driver, an installation screen appears.
Click on "Continue" and "Install" buttons to Install Jericho.
Select The COM Port for your modem (For example "com2")
Set the Prefix if requested (For example "9")
Start Jericho by clicking on the icon in the MGE UPS SYSTEMS program group.
Configure Multimedia actions. (Menu Action\Define the events)
Click on "New" button to define Multimedia action.
Fill in the Action name (For example "Send UPS events to Kobby")
Select the Media (For example "Kobby")
Fill in the pager number (For Example 0669XXXXXX )
Click on "Ok"
Click on the "events" you want to send to the Pager (Select Utility failure and Utility restored for example)
"<< Add" the "Send UPS Events to Kobby" action to the list of the actions associated to the selected Events.
Click on "OK"
The events "Utility Failure,Utility restored" send by the remote embedded agent will start the Multimedia actions saved on the local UM-Client. (Just try to perform a Utility Failure on the UPS now and you will receive the Kobby message !!!)
Jericho and UM-Client are pointing to a remote agent please follow these steps (Installation in remote agent mode):
Select Solution-Pac / WAN on the installation Wizard
Install UM-Client and the manager UM-Console+ on à Windows Station with the "Pager, Email, ... option" checked.(Don't select UM-Agent).
Click on "Continue" and "Install" buttons to Install Jericho.
Select The COM Port for your modem (For example "com2")
Set the Prefix if requested (For example "9")
On the screen "Basic Setup for Solution-Pac" Configure the UM-Client with the "Agent IP address" of the remote agent.
and start the UM-Client.
UM-Console+ appears automatically and detects the UPS.
Exit from Solution-Pac Startup Screen.
Start Jericho by clicking on the icon in the MGE UPS SYSTEMS program group.
On UM-Console+ define a "dummy" local application that will allow you to configure the events (Menu Device\Define\Local...)
Fill in the name (For example "Local for pager") and the type (For Example Station)
Select this "dummy" "Local for pager" application (Menu Device \ Select)
Select the extended mode (Menu Mode \ Extended)
Configure Multimedia actions. (Menu Action\Define the events)
Click on "New" button to define Multimedia action.
Fill in the Action name (For example "Send UPS events to Kobby")
Select the Media (For example "Kobby")
Fill in the pager number (For Example 0669XXXXXX )
Click on "Ok"
Click on the "events" you want to send to the Pager (Select Utility failure and Utility restored for example)
"<< Add" the "Send UPS Events to Kobby" action to the list of the actions associated to the selected Events.
Click on "OK"
On UM-Console+ select the application pointing to embedded Agent (Device\Select)
The events "Utility Failure,Utility restored" send by the remote embedded agent will start the Multimedia actions saved on the local UM-Client. (Just try to perform a Utility Failure on the UPS now and you will receive the Kobby message !!!)
Note1 :
To use email you must FIRST configure a connection by your Internet provider
- @ DNS server
Note2 :
You may stop UM-Console+ you will still receive Kobby messages. To receive Kobby messages "Jericho" and "UM-Client" must be active.Once they are installed "Jericho" and "UM-Client" will be active after each bootup of the station.